Bible Training Centre for Pastors

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BTCP’s pastor training helps protect believers in Nepal

Equipping Leaders for Lasting Faith: Bikram Singh's Testimony of BTCP Training in Nepal


In the beautiful landscapes of Nepal, a powerful movement is taking root, one that aims to equip pastors and leaders with the knowledge and tools to strengthen their faith and spread the Gospel effectively. Bikram Singh's testimony sheds light on the transformative impact of the Bible Training Centre for Pastors (BTCP) in Nepal, where leaders are empowered to teach, defend their faith, and combat apostasy in their communities. In this blog post, we delve into the significance of BTCP training and its crucial role in nurturing mature, knowledgeable, and faithful Christian leaders across the nation.

Empowering Pastors and Leaders:

Bikram Singh's journey with BTCP began when he heard about the training program's potential to equip individuals to serve in their local churches. Recognizing the need for better-prepared leaders, he was drawn to the systematic approach that BTCP offered in message preparation and preaching. Many pastors and leaders in Nepal struggle with effectively conveying the Word of God, but BTCP's training provides them with the necessary tools to communicate and teach with clarity and confidence.

Overcoming Obstacles:

In Nepal, the desire to attend Bible College is strong among pastors and leaders, but numerous challenges often stand in their way. Financial constraints, family responsibilities, and demanding jobs make it difficult, if not impossible, for many to pursue formal theological education. This is where the true value of BTCP shines. The program bridges the gap, enabling individuals to study and learn without compromising their familial and work responsibilities. Through BTCP, leaders can receive robust theological training and then share their knowledge by teaching others, creating a sustainable cycle of growth within their communities.

Reaching Remote Areas:

One of the most profound aspects of BTCP's impact in Nepal is its reach to the farthest corners of the country. In remote villages and hillside communities, many pastors and leaders lack even basic biblical knowledge. BTCP's accessible training materials serve as a beacon of hope for these regions, where the Word of God can now be studied, understood, and shared. As Bikram Singh highlights, BTCP's presence in such areas will prove immensely helpful for the spiritual growth and development of pastors and believers alike.

Fighting Apostasy through Knowledge:

Apostasy poses a significant threat to the Christian faith, both globally and locally. In Nepal, many believers and leaders find themselves ensnared in apostasy due to a lack of solid biblical knowledge. BTCP plays a vital role in countering this by providing leaders with a firm foundation in the Scriptures. Armed with true, biblical teaching and maturity in faith, these leaders can effectively defend against misleading doctrines and guide their communities towards a deeper, unwavering relationship with Christ.


Bikram Singh's powerful testimony of BTCP training in Nepal exemplifies the potential of equipping leaders with solid biblical knowledge. In a nation where challenges hinder many from pursuing formal theological education, BTCP stands as a beacon of hope, empowering pastors and leaders to fulfill their calling and serve effectively in their communities. As BTCP spreads its wings to reach even the most remote areas of Nepal, the ripple effect of its impact continues to strengthen the Christian faith, empower leaders, and protect against apostasy. Let us join Bikram in celebrating the blessings of BTCP and praying for its continued success in nurturing faithful and knowledgeable Christian leaders across Nepal.


Hello my name is Bikram Singh.

Somebody told me that if you go in Nepal so you can do BTCP training and you can teach in your local churches and pastors and leaders. You can equip them. So this interested me. 

There are so many pastors and leaders that don’t even know how to preach. So BTCP is very helpful in training because of how we prepare messages and systematically how we can preach to people, but many leaders and believers wants to go Bible College. Some of them, because of their situation and family could not go to the Bible College because of children and jobs and everything else had to be left behind. The see the financial problems and it's very difficult or impossible for them to go to Bible College. That's why BTCP is encouraging us and it is very helpful to study and learn and then also you can teach others.

Hopefully, are we are praying that all of Nepal. 

Even this place, in many villages, pastors and leaders they do not know how to open the Bible. So many things they don't know so that's why to provide this BTCP book even villages in the hillsides, in the remote areas, also in the future they may be very helpful for them.

Also many people are trapped in apostasy because of the lack of biblical knowledge. Even many leaders also! That's why, if we want to protect from apostasy, we must know the true, biblical teaching. We must be mature. Then we can fight apostasy.

That's why even many believers and leaders are led away. Their minds are so confused. They are wandering here and there.

So BTCP is very necessary to defend our faith because the Bible says, “Be faithful until death.” So our Christian faith is not for a few days, not for a few months. No! It is in lasts our last breath!
I have been blessing to participate in BTCP training and I want I just want to teach newcomers. God bless you all.