Bible Training Centre for Pastors

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1982- BTCP's founder Dennis Mock and his wife, Pat share a testimony a week before starting seminary

We'd like to share a testimony from BTCP's founder, Dennis Mock his wife, Pat. The video was taken on December 12, 1982, just one week before the Mock family moved to Dallas Texas. Dennis and Pat Mock stood before the congregation of Atlanta First Baptist Church, sharing a testimony at the beginning of their journey in serving the Lord. The couple spoke with unwavering conviction about a profound and transformative season ignited by God's call. Dennis, a successful lawyer in Decatur, Georgia, found himself at a crossroads, feeling the divine tug to leave his flourishing law profession and relocate to Dallas, Texas, for a higher purpose – to attend Dallas Theological Seminary. As the Mocks addressed the congregation, they painted a vivid picture of the uncertainties they faced. Dennis revealed that the clarity of God's call did not dawn upon them immediately. It was a patient waiting, steadfast faith, and a submission to God's timing that eventually brought the guidance they sought. The couple spoke of the challenges, the internal wrestling, and the difficult decisions that marked their obedience to God's call, ultimately leading them to embark on a four-year adventure at Dallas Theological Seminary. Little did anyone in that congregation anticipate the profound impact of Dennis and Pat's faithful response to God's call. Their obedience and commitment were instrumental in shaping their lives and became the catalyst for a remarkable ministry. Out of their journey emerged the Bible Training Centre for Pastors. This ministry would go on to play a pivotal role in the training of over 180,000 pastors worldwide who had limited access to formal seminary education. The unfolding of Dennis and Pat Mock's story not only illuminates the faithfulness of God but also showcases the intricate ways in which individual obedience can contribute to a broader impact on the Kingdom. Their testimony stands as a testament to the unpredictable and awe-inspiring ways in which God can use ordinary lives yielded to His call for extraordinary purposes.