Bible Training Centre for Pastors

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BTCP is an answer to the prayers of many African pastors.

Pastor Justice Zuma shares his thanks for God’s answer to his prayers in Africa.

This quality training was provided in partnership with, Life Changing discipleship. They currently have 100 classes in 10 African countries and they are training about 1,000 students! Please pray for Greg and Beverly Wootton as they serve the pastors and leaders of East Africa.

Welcome to our blog post, where we celebrate the transformative impact of the Bible Training Center in Africa. In this article, we delve into a powerful video transcript highlighting the deep gratitude and testimonies from African church leaders. Their heartfelt words express the realization of answered prayers as the Bible Training Center fills a crucial need for foundational biblical teaching across the continent.

1. Answered Prayers and the Power of Teaching:

In the late 80s and 90s, African church leaders fervently prayed for the availability of teachers who could equip the Church with a solid foundation in God's Word. When they encountered the Bible Training Center, they saw their prayers being answered. This ministry became a channel for the much-needed teaching and biblical knowledge that African churches had longed for.

2. Filling the Gap: Holy Spirit Guidance and Foundational Truth:

The testimonial emphasizes that while many African church leaders relied on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, there was a lack of foundational truth in the Word of God. The Bible Training Center bridged this gap by providing comprehensive teaching that grounded leaders in biblical principles and truths. The impact of this teaching has been profound, enabling African churches to grow and thrive with a solid understanding of God's Word.

3. Continent-Wide Transformation:

Over the course of the next 5-10 years, the Bible Training Center has covered the entire continent of Africa, spreading its teachings and transforming the lives of countless church leaders. Through their efforts, the Center has contributed to the spiritual growth and maturity of African churches, empowering leaders to lead with confidence, depth, and a strong biblical foundation.

4. Gratitude and Blessings:

The testimonial concludes with heartfelt expressions of gratitude and blessings. The African church leaders express their thankfulness to God for bringing this ministry into their lives. They recognize and appreciate the tireless efforts of those who labor to bring the Word of God through the Bible Training Center. Their words carry immense gratitude, acknowledging the significant impact the training has had on their lives, churches, and communities.


The Bible Training Center has been an answered prayer for African church leaders. Through its teachings and emphasis on foundational biblical truth, this ministry has filled a crucial gap in the African Church. The impact of the Center's efforts has been continent-wide, fostering spiritual growth, maturity, and confidence among church leaders. We join in expressing our gratitude to God for the Bible Training Center and extend our heartfelt appreciation to all those involved in bringing this transformative teaching to Africa. May this ministry continue to bless and empower leaders across the continent for years to come.