Bible Training Centre for Pastors

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A refugee from South Sudan shares his story of being trained and flourishing in ministry

Simon Alamin was trained through the ministry of our partner, Teaching the Vine. For more information about their mission to provide biblical training in African Refugee camps, visit:


My name is Simon Alamine. I'm serving in the church, I am also the overseer for 6 churches that are within Rhino Camp culsters. So I'm very glad indeed to receive this program of BTCP which I didn't expect. But by God's grace, I really thank God indeed, because when I was in South Sudan, I was ordained to be a pastor of the church. But as long as I've been a pastor of the church, I didn't know how I should of preach the Gospel. What I knew was only reading and preaching certain things that were not right. But the moment I received the teaching of BTCP, it has helped me a lot BTCP has changed my life. The way I stand in front of the people is really showing that I'm a pastor because I've learned a lot and how I can preach in a context of the Bible. So it has really helped me a lot. I thank the management of BTCP for helping our people, the South Sudanese. I know we are not going to leave this program here, but we are going to take you back to South Sudan because that is a very, very good place where we need we need this program to reach. We are ready to take the Gospel. I thank the management of BTCP very much. May God bless you for all your support to my dear guys.